Duplicate page/url problem has been around for half a decade now. And still the confusion among site owners and webmasters float around. There is so many authentic and easy to understand articles on rel=”canonical” that it will be useless to talk about them all again. Rather I decided to put a reference of all such […]
Hummingbird just got spammed!
The whole SEO world is confused around Google’s latest algorith update and I am no exception of this too. I have always advocated in favor of Google’s standing on their view and attempt to improve the search result experience for the end users. That doesn’t mean I ignore all the allegations people makes against Google’s […]
Google WMT now emails you on critical & important issues regarding your site’s health
“Stay up-to-date on critical & important issues regarding your site’s health.” Google now emails you on critical or important issues about your site through Webmaster Tools. It will send you emails automatically whenever any significant change is detected by it’s crawlers. Earlier today Google Webmaster Tools Team emailed webmaster tools users: We’ll only send you […]
18 SEO checklist for your site – DIY SEO
What is SEO 2011 & how to optimize my website (DIY SEO) – Part:I Simply SEO means Search Engine Optimization. Now you should have clear idea about Search Engines and website optimization. Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex etc. are some of the pioneer search engines where people search for news, products, services, businesses, vendors, buyers, sellers, […]